Grass-roots movement!
Robert Plant is growing up so quickly! He has almost grown 75% his original size, and is sprouting new vegetation in the nether-regions. I hope it's not genital warts, but in fact the sprouting of a new limb. Robert Plant loves the ladies...and their diseases.
I gave Robert his own personal blogger profile on here, so that he can give you the inside scoop on plant life. So far, however, he hasn't been able to press hard enough on the keys to make a post, so alas I must continue my slanderous writings.
Here are some of Robert's new favorite things:
Arrested Development Season 2
Ace Ventura 1 and 2
my new chord organ jam sessions
the neighbor dog
pretending to be a scary pumpkin
Jessica cleverly made Robert Plant a halloween costume. I still don't have developed pictures, but here's a quick drawing of what you can expect this halloween!

Does your plant wear a costume? Didn't think so.
my aloe plant is going as an octopus this year.
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