Robert Plant: The Untold Story

A digital archive of one young plant's journey from adolesence to super-stardom, living vicariously through the eyes of Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Caught with my plants down...

Upon returning home after an exhausting and exciting Shanksgiving break, I found Robert Plant had been dipping into our food supply. That's right, once again I spotted Robert with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. This time the cookie jar took the form of Will's minestroni soup! I was enfuriated at such an audacious move, especially after I just watered RP! He's getting pretty big these days; I wonder if he is overweight?

Stay tuned for Riddleculous: A free riddle download blog operated by yours truly and Matt Stowe, author of the blog "Kaufman Reads Gatsby" (click the link on the sidebar). At midnight on December 1st, we will unveil the first free riddle download of the post-9/11 world! Check back here for details henceforth.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Holy Smokes!

It's Thanksgiving!

I almost forgot! Here's a quick list of people and things for whom or which I am thankful:

The unimaginable Realness or Godhead
My mom
My sister
my CCC crew! (past and present)
Algebra and Brain
Friends of club Drink (RIP)
Kaufman reads Gatsbsy
DGH and the Portland Fever
The Megans!
Julie Chicago and company
Gary Baldinger (you know who you are)
B-Nanna and the Miami Sound Machine
The boys of Amestory
Arrested Development Club
The Dance Party Coalition
Philo, my philosophical encourager
Jennifer in Jersey
CHS alumn (via New York)

okay, this is pointless. I love you all! If you read this right now, I'm thankful that you're paying attention. If not, then get out of my way! I don't know what that means.


Monday, November 21, 2005

Dirt McGirt

Robert is in need of some dirt, and fast! I'll have to go dig some up from the backyard, or else his lil' roots will freeze this winter. Heat is the only thing that will help this Zeppelin rise up. I think he is also very hungry; yesterday, Will caught him putting his hands into his Raisin Bran, at which point I realized plants may require more than water. It has been weeks since Robert has seen proper sunlight (no thanks to the weather, of course). However, today is beautiful and moderate. I shall set him by the window upon returning home!

Many exciting things are happening this week:
I'm turning in some papers (not so exciting).
My favorite friends and I will reunite.
I'm going to Chicago.

I should really be doing work now.


4 days until Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Marv Albert and the Tiujana Brass Qunitet

I flew on American Airlines this weekend to San Antonio, TX for a scholarship conference, at which I led the music. I checked my guitar as baggage for the first time, and it safely made it to Texas with me. However, while en route to Springfield from San Antonio, our first connecting flight was delayed and we had to run to our flight home, most-likely beating our bags to the plane. Needless to say, there was not ample time for the ground crew to sort the bags and get ours on the plane departing for Springfield. So....our bags got lost, my guitar included. I now have two possible outcomes for this scenario:

1) The airline tracks down my luggage and delivers it to my P.O. Box in the morning or sometime tomorrow, and all is saved.

2) The airline never tracks down my luggage and are then liable for up to $2,800 (I read it on the claim ticket)! This means that I can give them a rounded-off estimate of what my guitar and belongings were worth, go buy the same guitar or slightly better model, and make out like a bandit with a pocketful of compensatory cash!

I'm hoping for option 2!

I should go visit Robert back at home. He's probably lonely by now. I bought him a postcard, but didn't have stamps. I'll just give it to him anyway. It says "Don't Mess with Texas" and features a very intimidating long-horned Bull. How Texas is that?!


oh yeah, I almost forgot: 12 days until Thanksgiving (and 13 until SHANKSGIVING!).

Also, I just put a new link to some new friends I met at the Alamo in San Antonio, TX. They are travelling the world, taking pictures of a Lord of the Rings book. It's pretty silly. Check it out here or look to the right side in the links menu for LOTR Travels or something.
I'm out.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Soft Rock the Vote!

Robert Plant is outraged because Dierks Bentley is winning the homecoming dance poll. Here's a picture of the stupid clown >>>

Fortunately, Rufus Wainwright is just inches behind in the polls, and we need you to log on before 6pm and vote, whether you go to Drury University or not. I may get to open the show if Rufus comes...which, I might add, would fulfill one of my many lifetime goals.

Go here: and click on the Homecoming link and vote for Rufus Wainwright. Dierks Bentley plays awful contemporary country. Probably about American pride and all that. We certainly don't want him to win.

Please vote before 6pm today.


P.S. - 17 days until Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

If I had a dollar...

That'd be really great.

There are now 18 days until Thanksgiving! Gobble!


Monday, November 07, 2005

No news is good news.




Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Rolling Stone gathers no moss...

But a lazy member of Led Zepplin gathers much dust! For all I know, Robert could be dead. I probably haven't given him a good water in a week. We did, however, feed him a little plant-power stick that looks similar to candy cigarettes, so maybe that's doing the trick.

Robert had a great Halloween, though. Thanks to everyone who sprouted roots on our couch for the evening! Now, we must prepare for Thanksgiving, and what better way than with a nice, gigantic, countdown?!?!


happy counting!
